Chuck V. Loring

Loring Sternberg & Associates

Personal Information


Areas of Expertise

  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Composition & Board Development
  • Structure & Culture
  • Board-Staff Relations
  • Assessments
  • Fundraising

Chuck Loring, MBA, CFRE, is the senior partner of the Fort Lauderdale and Indianapolis-based firm of Loring, Sternberg, & Associates, which provides fundraising and governance consulting services to nonprofits. He has also served as a Senior Governance Associate for BoardSource (formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards) for more than 20 years, offering expertise in board development and other governance issues to nonprofit boards across the country.

Chuck is a past president of the Indiana Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, is a Certified Fund Raising Executive, and holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and an MBA from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He is a former president of the University of California Alumni Association and a former trustee of the UCSB Foundation.

Chuck has helped hundreds of local and regional nonprofits across the country improve their governance and such prominent national charities as Special Olympics, The First Tee, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Girl Scouts USA, The Alzheimer’s Association, Easter Seals, Planned Parenthood, Feeding America, Make A Wish America, The League of American Orchestras and the Professional Golfers Association.

Each year Chuck conducts dozens of training programs for funders, Community Foundations and Nonprofit Centers interested in good governance. His repeat clients include The Hartford Community Foundation for Public Giving, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, The Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida, The Waco Community Foundation, The Community Foundation of Broward County, The Philanthropy Center at Rollins College, The Silicon Valley Community Foundation, The Fairfield County Community Foundation, the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, and the Virginia C. Piper Trust, to name only a few.

Chuck specializes in:

  • Board’s role in fundraising
  • Board roles & responsibilities
  • Board structure & organization
  • Board recruitment
  • Facilitation of board retreats & board training

Contact Chuck