A nonprofit organization’s strategy should begin and end with the board. In between, it requires intense collaboration and shared leadership between the board and management.
Strategic Planning
We can help you craft your first strategic plan or take your current strategic plan to the next level. Our strategic planning processes often include reviewing the mission, vision, and values; examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and determining goals and priorities for the next few years. We use a participatory process that brings together board and staff to develop a strategic plan, framework, or roadmap to guide the organization into the future.
Strategic & Generative Thinking
Board members, collectively and individually, can bring the greatest value to the organization by engaging in a higher level thought and conversation that rises above the tactical details of issues presented. We can help your board have more strategic and generative conversations. We offer tips and tools to help boards pay attention to their process, contributions and ultimately, effectiveness.
Collaborations & Mergers
For a wide variety of reasons, you may need to consider different relationships or structures with other organizations to carry out your mission. We can help you understand the array of ways nonprofits collaborate—from shared services to mergers and acquisitions—and explore different alternatives.

Vicki Clark

Ann Cohen

Susan Decker

Nancy P. Lee

Susan Meier

Tony Scucci